Backpacking through Asia: the story of Elena Martinez Salgado.

By Elisa Cornacchia. I’m shaking the dust of this crummy little town off my feet and I’m gonna see the world. George Bailey I would rather own a little and see the world than own the world and see a little of it.                                                                                                                   Alexander Sattler Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed byContinua a leggere “Backpacking through Asia: the story of Elena Martinez Salgado.”

Interview with a Buddhist monk

The 5th of March, year 2024. Moon’s Rock Monastery, rural area of Solewewa, Anuradhapura district, North-West part of Sri Lanka.  Interview with a Buddhist monk, Bhanthe Kirinde Chandaratana. By Elisa Cornacchia. Premise Some months ago, I was deeply suffering, in pain for what I now know is a worldly attachment: a person that I lovedContinua a leggere “Interview with a Buddhist monk”

My workaway experience in the tropical jungle of Costa Rica

Have you ever heard someone talking about Workaway? And about a small country in the world named Costa Rica? Well, that’s what this article is about: My wild workaway experience in the lush and extraordinary Costa Rica. So, first of all. Workaway is a website where anyone can subscribe as “workawayer” or as “host”, whereContinua a leggere “My workaway experience in the tropical jungle of Costa Rica”

Tutto Giappone – appunti di viaggio

Konnichiwa amici ed amiche! Il tempo vola e dal Giappone sono ritornata già da 30 giorni, e, forse perché veramente ero super impegnata, forse perché temevo il momento di iniziare a rielaborare quanto visto ed esperito nel Nihon, ho rimandato sinora la scrittura del mio resoconto di viaggio nel paese del Sol Levante. Il GiapponeContinua a leggere “Tutto Giappone – appunti di viaggio”


Have you ever heard of a city called Ravenna? Maybe it’s not as famous as Rome or Milan, but it’s a beautiful one, especially for its well-preserved late Roman and Byzantine architecture. Ravenna is situated in the region Emilia-Romagna, at just 10 minutes by car from the seashore and the beaches of Marina di Ravenna,Continua a leggere “Ravenna”

Pontremoli and surroundings

Italy, ohh Italy… what a wonderful country ! From South to North, from East to West Italy, my Italia, is beautiful in every part of it, each one of its 20 regions has its wonders and particularities. In Italy you can find history and art in abundance, stunning mountains and cristalline sea, a huge variety ofContinua a leggere “Pontremoli and surroundings”